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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 333638352
This comprehensively rewritten, updated and extended new edition of this established text focuses on what has become the most important single facet of the quantity surveyor's role - cost management. The scope of the book has been broadened to take account of the widening and more sophisticated cost management and control service that clients now require. The book examines the factors influencing building costs and how the precontract costs can be estimated, analysed and controlled, to ensure that buildings can be completed within the agreed budget and timescale, and be of acceptable quality, function effectively and provide value for money. A new chapter on value management has been added, together with an introductory chapter on cost modelling; the chapter on life cycling costing is extended, while the sections on energy conservation and occupancy costs are expanded. Throughout the text many new case studies, with supporting tables and diagrams, are included in order to enhance the value of this book to the student and the practitioner.
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